Month: March 2015

The Washington War Party Swaggers On——Playing Chicken With Nuclear War

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Subprime Auto Market Begins To Crack——-Delinquencies At 2008 Highs

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The $1.2 Trillion Student Loan Bubble——The Ultimate Subprime Debacle

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Bibi’s Bile And Bombast—–Cries Wolf, Wants War

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Why The Euros Days Are Numbered—–Political Insurgency Is Splintering The Eurozone

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Nasdaq 5,000 Is Different This Time……But Not In A Good Way!

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Connecting The Dots—-Oil, Jobs And Consumer Confidence

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Greece Succumbs To IMF Racket: Will Transfer Pension Fund Cash To IMF Slush Fund. Then On To…..Ukraine?

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The Draghi Derangement: $2 Trillion Euro Government Bonds Trading At Negative Yield

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The Real LIBOR Scandal—–6 Years Of ZIRP—-Will Cause A Terrifying Crisis

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