Month: August 2015

What the Heck is Going On—–Have Central Banks Lost Their Omnipotence?

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The Market Tumbles And The Cramer Clowns Are Back——Where’s Our Fed Bailout!

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This Is Not A ‘Correction’……..It’s The Beginning Of The Global Bubble Unwind

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The Bulls Are In Danger Of Turning Into Lemmings

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Wiping Hillary’s Servers Clean At Chappaqua: A Video Representation

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Can Kickers United—–Why It’s Getting Downright Hazardous Out There

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The S&P’s 13th Trip Thru 2100 Since February 13th: Call It Monetary Rigor Mortis—–The Bull Is Dead

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The Wall Street Ponzi At Work——The Stock Pumping Swindle Behind Four Retail Zombies

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Three EM’s Crumbling—– Brazil, Turkey And Malaysia

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Risk-On Gets Seriously Wounded

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