Month: January 2020

Addicted! Wall Street Gamblers Can’t Get Enough Cheap And Easy Repo

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Why Baghdad Wants The USA To Leave: Washington’s Been Bombing Them For 29 Years!

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Why Soleimani Was Assassinated—Peace Was Breaking Out In The Middle East

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No, Donald, It’s Not The Greatest Economy Ever And You Most Definitely Did Not Win WW III

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Who’da Thunk It? Praise For The Soleimani Assassination From The War Profiteers Chorus

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Back To Square #1: 2019 US Auto Sales Back To Year 2000 Level

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December Services ISM—Sixth Bounce To Down

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Why Sweden Ended Its Negative Interest Rate Experiment

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Auto Skid Marks At Year End Portend Expansion Cycle Running Out Of Steam

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It’s Baaack! $99 Billion Repo Surge Means Fed’s Rate Peg Ain’t The Market’s Command

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