Stockman’s Corner

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Chart Of The Day——The Serial Bubble Machine

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A Full Trunk Of Combustible Junk——The Wages Of ZIRP And Folly Of Illiquidity Transformation

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David Stockman’s Call——The Gong Show Starts Wednesday

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Chart Of The Day: Global Warehouses Runneth Over—–The Case Of Cotton

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Chart Of The Day: Median Stock More Over-Valued Than 2000 And 2007

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December 16, 2015—–When The End Of The Bubble Begins

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Chart Of The Day: Business Inventory To Sales Ratio At Cycle Highs, Deep In Recession Territory

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Kinder Morgan——Poster Boy For Bubble Finance

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The Fed’s Painted Itself Into The Most Dangerous Corner In History—–Why There Will Soon Be A Riot In The Casino

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Chart Of The Day: Crude Crashes To $36 Handle——OPEC Was All Priced In, Not!

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