
Drilling Our Way Into Oblivion: Shale Was About Land Gambling With Cheap Debt, Not Technological Miracles

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The Implosion After Oil——Nearly $6 Trillion Of Emerging Market Dollar Debt

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Mr. Market Is Back—-Plunging Oil Prices Are Busting The Money Printers’ Bubbles

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And On The Seventh Day God Shorted His People

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More Than A Quantum Of Fragility: CDOs Are Back—-Leveraged To The Shale Patch

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Jobs, Shale, Debt and Oil’s Minsky Moment

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Here Is Oil’s Next Leg Down—–A Survey Of The Spreading Fractures

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Elephant, Meet China—Or Why The Global Bubble Is Fracturing

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The Underside Of Cheap Oil—–A Thundering Squeeze On Debt, CapEx And Cash In The Global Energy Patch

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Giving Thanks For The Oil Collapse: It Reveals The Phony Recovery And Speculative Rot Beneath

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