David Stockman

Meet Rep. Mike Rogers: Crony Capitalist Knave, Warfare State Blowhard

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Central Banks Have Destroyed Honest Capital Market Pricing, Viz. Greek 5-Year Bonds At 5%

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China’s Fractures Widen: The Default Conga Line Begins To Form

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Fed Word Clouds At Work: Indigestion In The Belly Of The Curve

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Fruit Of Washington’s Meddling In The Ukraine: Brawls In Parliament, Civil Strife Across The Land

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No “Escape Velocity” Here: Gallup Reports First Y/Y Consumer Spending Decline Since 2009

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The Born Again Jobs Scam: The Ugly Truth Behind “Jobs Friday”

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Yes, Virginia, There Is An Honest Man Left On Wall Street: Hear Now Thomas Peterffy—Chastened Father Of High Speed Trading

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Pots Calling The Kettle Black: US Money Printers Slam China For Same

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The Fed’s Forward Guidance Delusion: Mispricings R Us

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